Numerology is an study of the purported divine, mystical or other special relationship between a count or measurement and life. It has many systems and traditions and beliefs. Numerology and numerological divination by systems such as isopsephy were popular among early mathematicians, such Number coming in a person's mind keep lot of information within him. In Indian astrology, effects of planets even are depicted in terms of numerology. Yantra is one of the example. We analyze numerology based on five elements and check whether it attunes with your date of birth, name or not. It has a wonderful effect.
Astrology word has been derived from two Greek words: - 'Astron' meaning stars or planets AND 'Logia' meaning study. Thus Astrology means study of the stars or planets. In Astrology or Jyotish, relative positions of planets at the time of birth of a person are studied in order to ascertain his personality traits AND various events AND issues of life like: - education, profession (job/business), marriage, married life, chilbirth, financial condition, property/material assets AND health etc. using some Astrlogical logics because it has been observed AND experienced that they are correlated.Astrologyindian astrologyvedic astrology